I was managed to find a wide selection of rooms to look at and consider renting it around the working area. The choices that I found were of various room sizes and rates, each place is located from walking distance to the office to rather far from it. I even called up one of the agents dealing with the room that I had interested on and found out more information about the room. While the deal did not go smoothly, I was still amazed at the large choices of rooms the website has to offer.
I strongly believed this website is the best place to look for rooms to rent. When my friend was asking me whether I can help him out to scout for rooms somewhere near his working place in Tanjung Bungah in Penang, I recommended this website to him and asked him to look around if he can find any room he liked. The navigation of the website is simple and easy to use and you do not have to be a tech savvy to do the room searching yourself. In fact, with this website, anyone who wants to rent out the spare rooms in their houses or who wants to find a room to rent can do it without any hassles.