Thursday, March 4, 2010


Time management - In great need to sharpen my skill in prioritizing which is of more important, which is of less. If not, for sure I'll suffer in the end.

Anger management - I don't believe I have problem in this department but according to my friend, I have quite a low anger management. I beg to differ. Hmm...I don't really know...

Stress management - I have very little stress, be it academically or of other stuffs. But I doubt that will be the case for the rest of my life. Therefore, I need to train myself to be more adept in stress.

People management - I need to start not to take every tasks and start to delegate some to other people. It's teamwork that creates success.

These four management skills are really important in building a good successful career, I think. Totally deviated from what I had in mind for this post.


~eRiC~ said...

Yeah, people management... i need to brush up on that too~

成亿 said...

still havent sleep ah???watcha doin so late???

manglish said...

waaaaaaaaaa teach me how to have very little stress, sifu..

成亿 said...

care less, my student...then, you sure will be stress-free...haha...