Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Nap Got Ruined!

Stupid! I was napping so syok when all of the sudden, the piercing sound of those Bosch electrical nailer (is that what it's called?), the thudding of hammer, and people talking outside my room along the corridor disrupted my sleep. Try as I may but those freaking sound was so loud, I can't simply went back to my dreamland. Dah lah woke up early, now they don't even let me rest for few hours.


They were installing a shoe rack of sort, i think, outside each of our room, by the way. But the thing is, I saw them doing it on the other side of same floor before 12pm and they still haven't reach my side yet before 2.30pm. How productive are they!

The so called shoe rack...dunno what the heck is it...


~eRiC~ said...

tsk tsk... poor thing...ahaha

成亿 said...

cham le...T.T

Kris said...

I would be cranky too, especially since my neighbor these days have workers out by 8 am doing roof work. Good thing he hasn't call them back fro 1 week now! Get some good dreams tomorrow k?

成亿 said...

haha...will do...take good care of yourself too